On my website, I may occasionally mention products or services. If I believe a product or service is worth mentioning, and the merchant selling it has an affiliate program, then I have no problem referring others to it using an affiliate link. This means that if you purchase the product I promote through my link, I may receive a commission or other kind of income.

Some items and links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, I may earn a commission. This does not increase your costs any further, as all commissions earned go directly back into supporting my work. Thank you for your support!

I believe in the benefits of these items and services, and I want to help you improve your life. However, I cannot endorse any products or services that may have financial consequences for me. Everything I recommend is based on my personal belief in their potential benefits for you.

Since this is a professional relationship, I’m going to assume that any links to products or services are affiliate links. If you decide to buy something after clicking on one of these links, I will be compensated by the merchant.

If you choose to purchase anything after clicking on one of these links, I will receive compensation from the merchant.